

Dec 29, 2010

Dec 28, 2010

佛光山-高雄 fo guang shan- gaoxiong

main gate

how big it is?


how many there are?

si jia mo ni

smile buddha

the eyes will follow as u

60 stairs

china chess


when u haven start, u should put like this

when u wan to eat, put the soup on the left size. vegetable on middle

when u finised, put the chopstick ont the middle..

When christmas day, i went to temple for 2nites. I feel regret that, when i coming back. Coz, im a christain, how come i go to follow them.. bow down and read the buddha scripture. im so soli to My Mighty God. On the bible told that, you shall have no other gods before me..

Dec 27, 2010

Above All

when i saw this video click, i cry out,how great our lord.. he saviour us~~~
think that, not matter our hurt, there juz a small case.. how about our jesus christ?? he whip by them, crucified... how pain he is??

Dec 21, 2010



i love it



is that a bee or housefly??

flower sea

why my face is blur~~~

why the background is blur~~~

Here, i went this JIA YI FLOWERS SEA centre in this morning and i went alone too.. My teacher ask us go this place to take some picture n pass up.. Actually, not that beautiful.. the flower juz 3-5 type, nothing special. And i waste a lot of money to go there. If u didnt have motorbike, u should by teksi.. I by bus from my UNI cost NT$53, then until JIA YI STATION, by teksi NT$160.. when i back, by teksi again.. NT$150. I want back to my UNI, but i miss the bus.. SO, i by train.. NT$28. Until next station, by school bus NT$20..
Total: NT$411, to go there n juz 2 hours onli.. haiz......