

Dec 21, 2010

101 n beside 101

Beside the President International Towers

President International Towers

On the way to 101

Flower Expo Lucky dolls

2010, tiger horoscope

cute chair

I dont know what is this

Discovery center

Inside the Discovery Center


huh!! taipei is the world's tallest???




i feel dizzy, when i look up

nice shoot

night 101


beside the 101

beside 101

why didnt have Kuala Lumpur

what is this?

Street performers

what is this??

Street performers

its real person!

i like this

回家=go back

101 in the middle

i like this too

night time beside the president international towers


its a shopping mall

shopping mall too...

19/12, im alone went to 101.. really love there, very beautiful. there all design a christmas view. I come to Taiwan around 4mths. Many frens asked me: Doris, have u been 101?? My answer: Not yet... My frens get a shock, how come u come to Taiwan didnt go to 101.. Ya, finally.. this time i went to 101...

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